10 Reasons to Move In Your 20s

10 Reasons to Move In Your 20s

For many, the 20s signify a transformative period; a time to embrace adulthood, explore opportunities, and essentially, figure out life. It’s an era of vibrant energy, an open mind, and an unquenchable thirst to experience something new.  One key life-changing decision many of us contemplate during this phase is moving—relocating to a new city, state,…

How Often Do Couples In Their 20s Make Love?

How Often Do Couples In Their 20s Make Love?

Sexual intimacy is a crucial aspect of any romantic relationship, and it is no surprise that couples in their 20s are particularly interested in knowing how frequently they should engage in sexual activities.  Sexual frequency can be influenced by various factors, including individual differences in libido, relationship length, communication, and even technology. In this blog…

Why Building LEGOS Is A Great Hobby For Someone In Their 20s

Why Building LEGOS Is A Great Hobby For Someone In Their 20s

Building Legos has been a beloved childhood pastime for generations. However, the appeal of building with colorful bricks and constructing imaginative creations is not just limited to kids.  In recent years, an increasing number of adults in their 20s have discovered the joy of building Legos as a hobby. In this blog post, we will…

LEGO Marvel Guardians’ Ship (76193) Review: Guardians Take Flight

LEGO Marvel Guardians’ Ship (76193) Review: Guardians Take Flight

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has become a worldwide phenomenon over the last decade, with its vast array of superhero characters and epic storylines.  The Guardians of the Galaxy are no exception, as they have captured the hearts of many fans with their space-faring adventures and offbeat humor. Now, LEGO has released their latest addition…

20 Things I Learned In My 20s

20 Things I Learned In My 20s

 Your 20s can be a tumultuous and transformative decade in your life. This is the time when you start to explore your identity, make life-changing decisions, and embark on exciting adventures.  It is a period of tremendous personal growth and development, where you learn the importance of independence, responsibility, and resilience. As someone who…

5 Reasons to Read The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power

5 Reasons to Read The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power

“The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power” by Brendon Burchard is a powerful book that aims to empower readers to take control of their lives and claim their personal power. In a world where it can be easy to feel lost or powerless, this book offers a roadmap for readers to tap…

5 Reasons to Read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

5 Reasons to Read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a classic novel that has captured the hearts and minds of readers around the world. First published in 1988, the book has since become a beloved classic and has sold over 65 million copies worldwide.  In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why “The Alchemist” is a…

5 Reasons to Read Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

5 Reasons to Read Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Leadership skills are essential in both personal and professional settings. It’s no surprise that many successful individuals credit their achievements to their ability to lead and inspire others.  However, leadership skills are not always innate and require a lot of hard work and dedication to develop. That’s where “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead…